ARISE Programme

The ARISE Programme

Developed by Speedpak Group, WISE Ireland is one of 42 projects that won funding from the 2022 Awareness Raising Initiative for Social Enterprise [ARISE] programme that was established to provide funding to social enterprises (and their support and network organisations) to carry out awareness raising initiatives for increasing awareness of social enterprises and their potential.

Developing and promoting a wide understanding of social enterprise is a key priority of the National Social Enterprise Policy for Ireland 2019-2022, and the success of the Policy depends in large part on the success in communicating the message about what Social Enterprises are, with the public, amongst social enterprises and other businesses, and across the civil and public service.

Working in partnership with social enterprise stakeholders, the Department of Rural & Community Development has developed an Awareness Strategy for social enterprise in Ireland. Its main aims are to:

  • Provide a common approach to the communications and language around social enterprise.
  • Foster a common understanding of the value of social enterprise.
  • Collectively empower social enterprises to have a voice and a role in raising awareness.

Funding for this scheme has been provided from the Dormant Accounts Fund.